Source code for twied.multiind.interfaces.webinterfaces

import json
import urllib3
import logging
import re
import time
import sys

    # UCS-4
    highpoints = re.compile(u'([\U00002600-\U000027BF])|([\U0001f300-\U0001f64F])|([\U0001f680-\U0001f6FF])')
except re.error:
    # UCS-2
    highpoints = re.compile(u'([\u2600-\u27BF])|([\uD83C][\uDF00-\uDFFF])'

[docs]def filter_emoji(text): """ Filters out emoji characters in a string. :param text: The string to filter. :return: The text string without the emoji characters. """ return highpoints.sub('', text)
[docs]def req_using_pool(pool, page, data): """ Function to perform a `GET` request on a thread pool with a certain page and get data. :param pool: The pool to perform the request on. :param page: The page to contact. :param data: The get data in the request. :return: The result of the request. """ return pool.request('GET', page, data)
[docs]class GeonamesDecodeException(Exception): """ Exception for when Geonames returns a result which cannot be decoded. """ def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return repr(self.value)
[docs]class DBPSpotlightException(Exception): """ Exception for twhen there is an issue with DBPediaSpotlight. """ def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return repr(self.value)
[docs]class DBPSpotlightInterface: """ Interface to access the DBpedia spotlight API. """ def __init__(self, config): """ Initialise the DBPediaSpotlight interface. :param config: The :class:`configparser` object. """ url = config.get("dbpedia", "spotlight_url") port = config.getint("dbpedia", "spotlight_port") = config.get("dbpedia", "spotlight_page") self.post_data = { 'text': '', 'confidence': 0.2, 'support': 20 } self.pool = urllib3.HTTPConnectionPool(host=url, port=port, maxsize=25, headers={'accept': 'application/json'})
[docs] def req(self, text, delay=0.5): """ Request the result for some text on DBPediaSpotlight. :param text: The text to request information for. :param delay: The number of seconds before retrying if no result is returned. Will double each failure to a maximum of 30 seconds before throwing an exception. :return: The JSON result from the service. """ self.post_data['text'] = filter_emoji(text) r = req_using_pool(self.pool,, self.post_data) try: return json.loads('utf8')) except ValueError: logging.error("Unable to decode JSON data for %s returned from DBPSpotlightInterface, " "Trying again in %i seconds" % (text.encode('utf8'), delay)) time.sleep(delay) delay = delay * 2 if delay > 30: raise DBPSpotlightException("Max number of retries for DBPSpotlightInterface reached.") return self.req(text, delay)
[docs] def destroy(self): """ Close the inferace and destroy the pool. """ self.pool.close()
[docs]class DBPInterface: """ Interface for access to the DBPedia API. """ def __init__(self): self.pool = urllib3.HTTPConnectionPool(host="", maxsize=25, headers={'accept': 'application/json'})
[docs] def extract_name(self, text): """ Extracts the name of the page from a DBPedia URL. (the last field) :param text: The DBPedia URL. :return: The name of the page. """ return text.rpartition('/')[-1]
[docs] def req(self, name): """ Request the information from the DBPedia page with the name. :param name: The name of the DBPedia page. :return: The JSON result of the page. """ r = req_using_pool(self.pool, "/data/" + name + ".json", {}) try: js = json.loads('utf8')) return js['' + name] except ValueError: return None
[docs] def destroy(self): """ Close the inferace and destroy the pool. """ self.pool.close()
[docs]class GeonamesInterface: """ Interface for access to the Geonames API. """ def __init__(self, config): """ Initialise the Geonames interface. :param config: The :class:`configparser` object. """ url = config.get("geonames", "url") username = config.get("geonames", "user") fuzzy = config.get("geonames", "fuzzy") geolimit = config.getint("geonames", "limit") self.post_data = { 'q': '', 'username': username, 'type': 'json', 'fuzzy': fuzzy, 'orderBy': 'relevance', 'style': 'FULL', 'maxRows': geolimit } self.pool = urllib3.HTTPConnectionPool(host=url, maxsize=25, headers={'accept': 'application/json'})
[docs] def req(self, query): """ Request the result from the API. :param query: The string to search. :return: The JSON result from the API. """ self.post_data['q'] = filter_emoji(query) for i in range(5): try: r = req_using_pool(self.pool, "/search", self.post_data) return json.loads('utf8')) except ValueError: logging.error("Value error in getting Geonames request. (Sleeping for %i second...)" % i) time.sleep(i) raise GeonamesDecodeException("Unable to decode geonames request after 5 attempts.")
[docs] def destroy(self): """ Close the inferace and destroy the pool. """ self.pool.close()
[docs]class GisgraphyInterface: """ Interface for access to the Gisgraphy API. """ def __init__(self, config): """ Initialise the Gisgraphy interface. :param config: The :class:`configparser` object. """ url = "localhost" self.post_data = { 'q': '', 'format': 'json', 'suggest': 'true' } self.pool = urllib3.HTTPConnectionPool(host=url, port=8080, maxsize=25, headers={'accept': 'application/json'})
[docs] def req(self, query): """ Request the result from the API. :param query: The string to search. :return: The JSON result from the API. """ self.post_data['q'] = query r = req_using_pool(self.pool, "/fulltext", self.post_data) return json.loads('utf8'))
[docs] def destroy(self): """ Close the inferace and destroy the pool. """ self.pool.close()